Business Continuity and Incident Management
Ensure Business Continuity With Incident Management Solutions Adapted for Success
Prepare for the Worst.
Have the confidence to know that, should the worst happen, your Business will be ready to respond effectively.
Hope for the Best, Plan for the Worst and Expect to be Surprised
None of us want to experience an information security incident or have to activate our Business Continuity Plans but the chances are that you will have to one day. To paraphrase Vegetius:
“If you want Peace, Prepare for War” – Roman General Publius Flavius Vegetius
Effective Incident Management and Business Continuity Plans protect your Organisation should you fall victim to an attack (such as Ransomware) or are subjected to a less malicious incident (such as flooding).
An effective Incident Management Policy will enable you to enact procedures that will identify, contain and respond to an incident.
Sound Business Continuity Planning will enable you to respond to incidents or events in a manner that minimises the impact upon your Organisation and reestablishes normal business operations in the shortest possible timeframe.
Through awareness training, scenario walk throughs and, if viable, active drills, Incident Management procedures and Business Continuity Plans can be enacted efficiently and effectively within your Organisation.
First we will conduct a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) to ensure that both you as a Business and us as your advising consultants, understand the value of your data. We need to understand what we are protecting, who we are protecting it from and the impact of an incident upon your Business.
Once we understand the value of your information to your Business and its stakeholders we will then advise you on the best way to protect your information and produce and practice effective Incident Management and Business Continuity Plans.
Prepare for the Worst.
Have the confidence to know that, should the worst happen, your Business will be ready to respond effectively.
Take your first steps towards enhanced digital security
Speak with our compliance experts to create a strategy that works for you.